designed to evoke the image of a compass rose, which denotes the cardinal directions, this piece represents guidance, direction, and enlightenment on your path, helping you find your way and express your truest colours.
**please note that colours of the sapphire vary from pale to mid-tone blue due; each item has a unique colour variation and may differ between pieces.
the tie-dye moonchild is introspective and creative, a compassionate caretaker of the earth and the human collective. she is a living interpretation of a tie-dyed tapestry, embodying and seeing beauty in all things imperfect, ephemeral, and evolving. attuned to nature and spirit, the tie-dye moonchild forges a path guided by inner wisdom. when this card is present, your inner voice is yearning to be heard. we must ask ourselves— where in our lives must we move beyond discomfort to be unapologetically ourselves?
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